Artist On The Arts

To be totally honest, this post may sound more like a rant, than a rave – a rave about the Eyewitness article by Jed Perl, that is. I’m finally done after 3 pages of over-reading (reading over the paper again and again to make sure that I could come somewhat close to what the author was saying), and I’m not ashamed at this moment to say “goodbye.” Not that Perl didn’t fill my brain with numerous different ideas and concepts about the history of art, it’s content and contextual meanings, but his high-end critique left my brain screaming for relief and the need to run to something fun and relaxing.

Thus, I’ll take this moment to share some of my favorite graphic pieces, just to thaw out my mind before again stepping into the hard, frozen world of the dis-satisfied art critic. This is some work I did during, and right after studying at the Art Institute on Line where I earned an Associates Degree in Web and Media Design but actually fell in love with graphic arts.



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Comments on: "An Eyewitness to “Eyewitness”" (1)

  1. Tina,
    It’s nice to hear that you had trouble stomaching the reading as well.
    I just find it hypocritical when critics say no famous artists are “true” artists. Not a single good and true artist has become famous and well-known? It seems to me that once an artist’s career takes off, the “true” artists turn against them.
    But, back to happy thoughts and pictures =)


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